2001 A Space Odyssey (1976)

A Date with Judy (1947)

Action Comics (1938)

Adventure Comics (1938)

Adventure into Mystery (1956)

Adventures into Darkness (1952)

Adventures into Terror (1950)

Adventures into the Unknown (1948)

Adventures into Weird Worlds (1952)

Adventures of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis (1952)

Adventures of Jerry Lewis (1957)

Adventures of Rex the Wonder Dog (1952)

Adventures of the Fly (1960)

Adventures on the Planet of the Apes (1975)

Air Fighters Comics (1941)

Airboy Comics (1945)

All American Men of War (1952)

All American Western (1948)

All Famous Police Cases (1952)

All Select Comics (1942)

All Star Comics (1940-1978)

All Star Western (1951)

All Star Western (1971)

All Winners Comics

All-Flash (Quarteryly #5 -on) (1941)

Amazing Adventures ((1961)

Amazing Adventures (1950)

Amazing Adventures (1970)

Amazing Comics (1944)

Amazing Detective Cases (1950)

Amazing Fantasy (1962)

Amazing Spider-Man (1963)

Amazing Spider-Man (1963) Annual

Amazing Spider-man (2014)

Amazing Spider-man (2018)

Amazing Spider-man Giveaway (1969)

America's Best Comics (1946)

America's Greatest Comics (1941)

Angel and the Ape (1968)

Aquaman (1962)

Archie (1943)

Arrgh! (1974)

Astonishing (1951)

Astonishing Tales (1970)

Atom & Hawkman (1968)

Atom (1962)

Atom Age Combat (1952)

Authentic Police Cases (1948)

Avengers (1963)

Avengers (1963) Annual

Baffling Mysteries (1951)

Baseball Heroes (1952)

Bat Lash

Batgirl Special (1988)

Batman (1940)

Batman (1940) Annual

Batman Adventures (1992)

Batman Family (1975)

Batman The Dark Knight Returns (1986)

Batman The Killing Joke (1988)

Batman: Harley Quinn (1999)

Batman: Vengeance of Bane Special (1993)

Battle (1951)

Battle Action (1952)

Battle Brady (1953)

Battle Cry (1952)

Battle Ground (1954)

Battle of the Planets (1979)

Battlefield (1952)

Battlefront (1952)

Battlestar Galactica (1979)

Beverly Hillbillies (1963)

Beware (1953)

Beware (1973)

Beware the Creeper (1968)

Big Shot Comics (1940)

Big Town (1947)

Binky (1970)

Binky's Buddies (1970)

Bionic Woman (1977)

Bizarre Adventures Magazine (1981)

Black Cat Mystery (1951)

Black Goliath

Black Magic (1950)

Black Panther (1977)

Black Rider (1950)

Black Terror (1942)

Blackhawk (1944)

Blackhawk (1957)

Blue Beetle (1967)

Bobby Benson's B-Bar-B Riders (1950)

Boy Comics (1941)

Boy Commandos (1942)

Brave and the Bold (1955)

Brenda Starr (1947)

Brother Power, the Geek (1968)

Buddies in the U.S. Army (1952)

Bulletman (1941)

Bunny (1966)

Candy (1947)

Captain Aero Comics (1941)

Captain America (1968)

Captain America (1968) Annual

Captain America Comics (1941)

Captain Atom (1965)

Captain Britain (1976)

Captain Marvel (1968)

Captain Marvel Adventures (1941)

Captain Marvel Jr. (1942)

Captain Midnight (1942)

Captain Science (1950)

Catman Comics (1943)

Caught (1956)

Challengers of the Unknown (1958)

Chamber of Chills (1951)

Chamber of Chills (1972)

Chamber of Darkness (1969)

Champions (1975)

Chili (1969)

Chilling Tales of Horror (1969)

Combat Casey (1951)

Combat Kelly (1951)

Combat Kelly (1972)

Conan the Barbarian (1970)

Conan the Barbarian (1970) Annual

Contact Comics (1944)

Cosmo the Merry Martian (

Crazy (1953)

Creepy (1964)

Crime and Justice (1951)

Crime Mysteries (1952)

Crime Smashers (1950)

Crime Suspenstories (1950)

Crime-Fighting Detective (1950)

Crisis on Infinite Earths (1985)

Crypt of Shadows (1973)

Crypt of Terror (1950)

Dale Evans Comics (1948)

Danger Trail (1950)

Daredevil (1964)

Daredevil (1964) Annual

Daredevil Comics (1941)

Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love

Dark Mysteries (1951)

Dark Shadows (1969)

Darling Romance (1949)

Date With Debbi

Date with Patsy (1957)

Dazzler (1981)

DC 100 Page Super Spectacular (1971)

DC Comics Presents (1978)

DC Special (1968)

DC Special Series (1977)

DC Super Stars (1976)

Dead of Night (1973)

Deadly Hands of Kung Fu (1974)

Debbi's Dates (1969)

Defenders (1972)

Dell Giants (1949)

Della Vision (1955)

Demon (1972)

Detective Comics (1937)

Devil Dinosaur (1978)

Diary Loves (1949)

Dick Tracy (1950)

Doc Savage (1972)

Doctor Solar (1962)

Doctor Strange (1968)

Doctor Strange (1974)

Dogface Dooley (1951)

Doll Man (1941)

Donald Duck (1940)

Doom Patrol (1964)

Doorway to Nightmare (1978)

Double Life of Private Strong (1959)

Dracula Lives! (1975)

Dynamic Classics (1978)

Dynamic Comics (1941)

Dynamo (1966)

Eerie (1965)

Eighty Page Giant (1964)

El Dorado Movie Classics (1967)

Emergency! Magazine (1976)

Enchanting Love (1949)

Eternals (1976)

Eternals (1976) Annual

Exciting Comics (1940)

Exciting Romance Stories (Fox Giant) 1949

Extra! (1955)

Fairy Tales Parade (1942)

Falling in Love

Famous Crimes (1948)

Famous Funnies (1940)

Famous Gangsters (1951)

Fantastic (1952)

Fantastic Four (1961)

Fantastic Four (1961) Annual

Fawcett's Funny Animals (1942)

Fear (1970)

Feature Comics (1939)

Fight Comics

Fightin' Marines (1951)

Fighting Man Annual (1952)

Fighting Yank (1942)

Firehair Comics (1949)

First Love Illustrated (1949)

Flash (1959)

Flash (1959) Annual

Flintstones (1970)

Flintstones (1977)

Forbidden Love (1950)

Forbidden Tales of Dark Mansion

Forbidden Worlds (1948)

Forever People (1971)

Four Color (1942)

Fox and the Crow (1951)

Fox Giants Variety Comics (1950)

Frankenstein (1973)

Frankenstein Comics (1945)

Freedom Fighters (1976)

Frisky Fables (1945)

From Beyond the Unknown (1971)

Frontline Combat (1951)

Funnies (1936)

G.I. Combat (1952)

G.I. Joe, A Real American Hero (1982)

G.I. Tales (1957)

Gay Comics (1944)

Georgie Comics (1945)

Ghost Manor (1971)

Ghost Rider (1967)

Ghost Rider (1973)

Ghostly Haunts (1971)

Ghostly Tales (1966)

Ghostly Weird Stories (1953)

Ghosts (1971)

Giant Size Avengers (1974)

Giant Size Captain America (1975)

Giant Size Captain Marvel

Giant Size Chillers (1974)

Giant Size Conan (1974)

Giant Size Creatures (1974)

Giant Size Daredevil (1975)

Giant Size Defenders

Giant Size Dracula (1974)

Giant Size Fantastic Four (1974)

Giant Size Hulk

Giant Size Iron Man (1975)

Giant Size Man-Thing (1974)

Giant Size Master of Kung Fu (1974)

Giant Size Spider-Man (1974)

Giant Size Super-Heroes (1974)

Giant Size Super-Villain Team-Up (1975)

Giant Size Thor (1975)

Giant Size X-Men (1975)

Gift Comics (1942)

Girls in Love (1955)

Girls' Love Stories

Girls' Romances (1950)

Glamorous Romances (1949)

Godzilla (1977)

Green Hornet (1967)

Green Lama (1944)

Green Lantern (1941-1949)

Green Lantern (1960-1988)

Green Mask (1945)

Gun-Slinger (1973)

Gunfighter (1950)

Guns Against Gangsters (1948)

Gunsmoke (1949)

Gunsmoke Western (1955)

Hand of Fate (1951)

Harvey Comics Hits (1951)

Haunt of Fear (1950)

Haunted (1971)

Haunted Thrills (1952)

Hawkeye Limited Series

Hawkman (1964)

Heart Throbs (1957)

Herbie (1964)

Hero for Hire (1972)

Hickory (1949)

Homer the Happy Ghost (1969)

Homer, the Happy Ghost (1955)

Hoppy, the Marvel Bunny (1946)

Horrific (1952)

Horror Tales (1969)

Hot Wheels (1970)

House of Mystery (1951-1983)

House of Secrets (1956)

Howard the Duck (1976)

Howard the Duck Magazine (1979)

Hulk (1999-2000)

Hulk (2017)

Human Torch (1940)

Human Torch (1974)

Hunted (1950)

Incredible Hulk (1962-1999)

Incredible Hulk (1962-1999) Annual

Incredible Hulk and Wolverine (1986)

Infinity Gauntlet (1991)

Inhumans (1975)

Intimate Confessions (1951)

Intimate Love (1950)

Invaders (1975)

Invaders Annual (1977)

Iron Fist (1975)

Iron Man & Sub-Mariner (1968)

Iron Man (1968)

Iron Man (1968) Annual

Isis (1976)

Jackie Robinson (1950)

Jet Fighters ((1952)

Jo-Jo Comics (1948)

John Carter Warlord of Mars (1977)

John Wayne Adventure Comics (1949)

Johnny Thunder (1972)

Joker (1975)

Joker Comics (1942)

Joker: Last Laugh (2001-2002)

Jonah Hex (1977)

Journey into Mystery (1952)

Journey into Mystery (1973)

Journey into Mystery Annual (1965)

Journey Into Unknown Worlds (1951)

Jumbo Comics

Jungle Action (1972)

Jungle Comics

Junior Miss (1944)

Justice Comics (1947)

Justice League (1987)

Justice League of America (1960)

Ka-Zar (1970)

Kamandi (1972)

Katy Keene (1949)

Kent Black of the Secret Service (1951)

Kid Colt Outlaw (1948)

Kong the Untamed (1975)

Konga (1960)

Krazy Komics

Kull the Conqueror (1971)

Laugh Comics (1946)

Laurel and Hardy (1972)

Law Against Crime! (1948)

Law Breakers Suspense Stories (1953)

Legion of Super-Heroes (1973)

Legion of Super-Heroes (1980)

Legion of Super-Heroes (1984)

Li'l Kids (1970)

Logan's Run (1977)

Lost Worlds (1952)

Love at First Sight (1949)

Love Experiences (1949)

Love Journal (1952)

Love Letters (1949)

Machine Man (1978)

Mad (1952)

Madame Xanadu (1981)

Magnus Robot Fighter (1963)

Man Comics (1949)

Man-Thing (1974)

Many Loves of Dobie Gillis (1960)

Marc Spector Moon Knight (1989)

Marge's Little Lulu (1949)

Marines at War (1957)

Marines in Action (1955)

Marines in Battle (1954)

Marvel Age (1983)

Marvel Chillers (1975)

Marvel Collectors Item Classics (1966)

Marvel Comics Presents (1988-1995)

Marvel Family (1945)

Marvel Feature (1971)

Marvel Graphic Novel (1982)

Marvel Mystery Comics (1939)

Marvel Premiere (1972)

Marvel Presents (1975)

Marvel Preview (1975)

Marvel Previews (2011)

Marvel Spotlight (1971)

Marvel Super Heroes (1966)

Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars (1984)

Marvel Super Special (1980)

Marvel Tails starring Peter Porker (1983)

Marvel Tales ((1949)

Marvel Tales (1964)

Marvel Team-Up (1972)

Marvel Two-in-One (1974)

Marvel Two-in-One (1974) Annual

Master Comics (1940)

Master of Kung Fu (1974)

Masters of the Universe (1982)

Masters of the Universe: the Motion Picture (1987)

Mazie (1953)

Men's Adventures (1950)


Metal Men (1963)

Metamorpho (1965)

Micronauts (1979)

Mighty Marvel Western (1968)

Military Comics (1941)

Millie the Model (1946)

Millie the Model Annuals

Miracleman (1985)

Miss America Magazine (1944)

Mister Miracle (1971)

Mister Mystery (1951)

Monsters on the Prowl (1971)

Monsters Unleashed! (1973)

Moon Knight (1980)

Movie Comics (1947)

Ms. Marvel (1977)

Murder Incorporated (1948)

Murder Tales (1970)

My Friend Irma (1950)

My Girl Pearl (1955)

My Greatest Adventure (1955)

My Love (1969)

My Love Affair (1949)

My Love Annual (1971)

My Love Secret (1948)

My Only Love (1974)

My Romantic Adventures (1956)

Mysteries (1953)

Mysteries of Unexplored Worlds (1956)

Mysterious Adventures (1951)

Mystery in Space (1951)

Mystery Tales (1952)

Mystic (1951)

Mystic Comics vol 2 (1944)

Navy Action (1954)

Navy Combat (1955)

Navy Tales (1957)

New Gods (1971)

New Mutants (1983)

New Mutants (1983) Annual

New Teen Titans (1980)

Nick Fury Agent of SHIELD (1968)

Nightmare (1952)

Nightmare (1970)

Nightwing (1996)

Noman (1966)

North to Alaska Four Color #1155

Nova (1976)

NYX (2004)

OMAC (1974)

Omega Men (1983)

Our Army at War (1952)

Our Fighting Forces (1954)

Our Love Story (1969)

Out of the Night (1952)

Out of the Shadows (1952)

Out of This World (1956)

Outer Space (1958)

Ozark Ike (1948)

Ozark Ike (1948)

Pacific Presents (1982)

Panic (1954)

Patsy and Hedy (1952)

Patsy Walker (1945)

Pep Comics (1940)

Personal Love (1950)

Peter Panda (1953)

Peter Porker, the Spectacular Spider-ham (1985)


Phantom (1962)

Phantom Stranger (1952)

Phantom Stranger (1969)

Planet Comics

Plastic Man (1943)

PLOP! (1973)

Police Comics (1941)

Popular Romance (1949)

Power Man

Powerhouse Pepper Comics (1943)

Prison Break (1951)

Prize Comics (1940)

Psycho (1971)

Punisher (1987)

Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe

Punisher Limited Series (1986)

Rampaging Hulk (1977)

Range Romances (1949)

Rangers Comics (1941)

Rawhide Kid (1955)

Real Fact Comics (1946)

Real Life Comics (1941)

Realistic Romances (1951)

Red Sonja (1977)

Red Wolf (1972)

Richard Dragon, Kung-Fu Fighter (1975)

Ringo Kid

Rip Hunter Time Master

Rocket Ship X (1951)

Romantic Love (1949)

Romantic Marriage (1950)

Romantic Story (1950)

Rugged Action (1954)

Rulah Jungle Goddess (1948)

Saddle Romances (1950)

Sandman (1973)

Sandman (1989)

Savage She-Hulk (1980)

Savage Sword of Conan Magazine (1974)

Savage Tales (1971)

Savage Tales Annual (1975)

Scooby Doo (1975)

Sea Devils (1961)

Secret Hearts (1949)

Secret Loves (1949)

Secret Mysteries (1954)

Secrets of Haunted House (1975)

Secrets of Sinister House (1973)

Sensation Comics (1942)

Sg.t Fury Annuals (1963)

Sgt. Fury (1963)

Shadow (1973)

Shadow Comics (1940)

Shazam (1973)

Shield (1973)

Shock (1969)

Shock Suspenstories (1952)

Showcase (1956-1978)

Silver Surfer (1968)

Silver Surfer (1987)

Sinister House of Secret Love

Six-Gun Western (1957)

Skeleton Hand (1952)

Smurfs (1983)

Soap Opera Love (1982)

Soap Opera Romances (1983)

Soldier Comics (1952)

Son of Satan (1975)

Space Adventures (1952)

Space Detective (1951)

Space Family Robinson (1962)

Sparkler Comics (1941)

Sparkling Love (1953)

Spawn (1992)

Special Marvel Edition (1971)

Spectacular Spider-Man (1976)

Spectre (1968)

Speed Comics (1939)

Spellbound (1952)

Spider-Gwen (2015)

Spider-man vs. Wolverine (1987)

Spider-Woman (1978-1983)

Spidey Super Stories (1974)

Spitfire Comics (1944)

SPOOF (1972)

Spook (1953)

Spy Cases (1950)

Spy Fighters (1951)

Star Lord Special Edition (1981)

Star Spangled Comics (1941)

Star Spangled War Stories (1952)

Star Trek (1967)

Star Wars (Marvel 1977)

Star Wars Return of the Jedi (1983)

Stark Terror (1969)

Starslayer (1982)

Startling Terror Tales (1952)

Strange Adventures (1950)

Strange Fantasy (1952)

Strange Galaxy (1971)

Strange Mysteries (1951)

Strange Stories of Suspense (1955)

Strange Suspense Stories ((1967)

Strange Suspense Stories (1952)

Strange Suspense Stories (1954)

Strange Tales (1951-1976)

Strange Tales (1962) Annual

Strange Tales of the Unusual

Strange Terrors (1952)

Strange Worlds (1950)

Strange Worlds (1958)

Sub-Mariner (1968)

Sub-Mariner (1968) Annual

Sub-Mariner Comics (1941)

Sugar & Spike

Super DC Giant

Super Friends (1976)

Super-Magician Comics (1941)

Super-Mystery Comics (1940)

Super-Villain Team-Up (1975)

Superboy (1949-1979)

Superboy (1949-1979) Annual

Supergirl (1972)

Superman (1939)

Superman (1987)

Superman's Girlfriend Lois Lane (1958)

Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen (1954)

Supernatural Thrillers (1972)

Supersnipe Comics (1942)

Suspense (1949)

Suzie Comics (1945)

Swamp Thing (1972)

Swamp Thing (1982)

Sweethearts (1948)

Swing with Scooter (1966)

Tales from the Crypt (1950)

Tales of Asgard (1968)

Tales of Ghost Castle (1975)

Tales of Horror (1952)

Tales of Suspense (1959)

Tales of the Teen Titans (1984)

Tales of the Unexpected (1956)

Tales of the Zombie (1974)

Tales to Astonish (1959-1968)

Tarzan (1948-1972)

Tarzan (1972)

Teen Comics (1947)

Teen Titans (1966)

Teen-age Romances (1948)

Terrors of the Jungle ((1952)

Terry Toons Comics (1947)

Thanos Quest (1990)

the Beyond (1950)

the Cat (1972)

the Crow (1989)

The Spirit (1944)

the Three Mouseketeers (1970)

The Tormented (1954)

The War Wagon Movie Classics (1967)

This is War (1952)

This Magazine is Haunted (1957)

Thor (1962-1996)

Thor (1962-1996) Annual

Thrilling Comics (1940)

Thrilling Crime Cases (1951)

Thrilling Romances (1949)

Thrillkiller '62 (1998)

Thun'da (1952)

Thunder Agents (1965)

Thundercats (1985)

Tip Top Comics

Tomahawk (1950)

Tomb of Dracula (1972)

Tomb of Dracula Magazine (1979)

Transformers (1984)

Trigger Twins (1973)

True Love Problems (1950)

True Sport Picture Stories (1942)

True Stories of Romance (1950)

True Sweetheart Secrets (1950)

Turok Son of Stone (1956)

Twilight Zone (1961)

Twilight Zone (1962)

Two Fisted Tales (1950)

Two Gun Kid (1948)

Ultimate Fallout (2011)

Uncanny Tales (1952)

Uncanny Tales (1973)

Uncanny X-men at the State Fair of Texas (1983)

Uncle Scrooge (1954)

Unexpected (1968)

United States Fighting Air Force (1952)

Unusual Tales (1961)

Vampirella (1969)

Vault of Evil (1973)

Vault of Horror (1950)

Venus (1948)

Voodoo (1952)

Walt Disney's Comics and Stories (1940)

Wanted (1973)

War Action (1952)

War Adventures (1952)

War Combat (1952)

War Comics (1950)

War is Hell (1972)

War Report (1952)

Warfront (1951)

Warlock (1972)

Web of Evil (1952)

Web of Mystery (1951)

Web of Spider-Man (1985)

Weird Fantasy (1950)

Weird Horrors (1952)

Weird Science (1950)

Weird Tales of the Macabre (1975)

Weird Thrillers (1951)

Weird War Tales (1971)

Weird Western Tales (1972)

Weird Wonder Tales (1973)

Welcome Back, Kotter (1977)

Werewolf by Night (1972)

West Coast Avengers (1984)

Western Adventures Comics (1948)

Western Comics (1948)

Western Crime Busters (1950

Western Gunfighters (1956)

Western Gunfighters (1970)

Western Kid (1971)

What If (1977)

What If (1989)

Where Monsters Dwell

Whiz Comics (1940)

Wilbur Comics (1944)

Wings Comics

Witches Tales (1951)

Witches Tales (1969)

Witching Hour (1969)

Wolverine (1982 Limited)

Wolverine (1988)

Wonder Comics

Wonder Woman (1942-1986)

World of Fantasy (1956)

World of Mystery (1956)

World of Suspense (1956)

World's Finest (1941)

Worlds Unknown (1973)

Wyatt Earp (1955)

X-Factor (1986)

X-Men (1963)

X-Men (1963) Annual

Young Allies (1941)

Young Love

Young Men ((1950)

Young Romance

Young Romance Comics (1947)

Zegra (1948)

Zoot Comics (1946)
