Captain America Comics #34 CGC 3.5
Classic World War 2 Nazi Germany cover, Captain America and Bucky vs. the Nazis cover and story, Human Torch story
Captain America Comics #16 CGC 3.5
Classic Captain America and Bucky vs. the Red Skull cover by Al Avison, bondage torture cover, Stan Lee story
Black Terror #7 CGC 5.0
Classic Alex Schomburg World War 2 Japan cover, Black Terror cover and story
Batman #52 CGC 7.0
Batman & Robin vs. the Joker cover and story! very attractive copy with great colors and eye appeal, full page ad for Superboy #1
Batman #18 CGC 4.0
Batman & Robin vs. Hitler, Hirohito, and Mussolini cover, Bob Kane, Jerry Robinson, and Jack Burnley art
All Winners Comics #17 CGC 6.5
Classic Alex Schomburg cover, Captain America, Bucky, Human Torch, Toro, and Sub-Mariner cover and story
All Winners Comics #5 CGC 3.5
Classic Al Avison World War 2 Nazi cover, Captain America, Bucky, Human Torch, Toro, and Sub-Mariner cover and story
Adventure Comics #51 CGC 6.5
Classic Sandman cover and story by Craig Flessel, Sandman story with art by Bernard Baily, Superman #5 ad, More Fun Dr. Fate ad
Adventure Comics #47 CGC 1.5
Classic Sandman cover and story by Craig Flessel, Gardner Fox and Jerry Siegel story, Bob Kane art, 1 page Spectre ad
Detective Comics #400 F/VF (7.0)
1st appearance of Man-Bat, Classic Neal Adams Batman vs Man-Bat cover, Batman and Batgirl cover and story
Sale PendingWorld of Mystery #1 VF- (7.5)
horror and mystery stories, cover by Bill Everett, art by Robert Q Sale, Angelo Torres, Bob Powell, and Joe Orlando
Prison Break #1 VG+ (4.5)
Classic Wally Wood Headlights cover, great pre-code crime stories with lots of GGA
Amazing Spider-Man #36 VF+ (8.5)
1st appearance of the Meteor Man! Spider-man vs the Meteor Man cover and story by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko!
Sale PendingX-Men #54 VF+ (8.5)
1st appearance of Alex Summers who becomes Havok! 1st Living Pharoah! X-Men cover and story
Detective Comics #265 VF (8.0)
Batman and Robin cover and story, origin of Batman with new facts revealed
Kid Colt Outlaw #107 F+ (6.5)
Classic Atlas western meets Atlas monster cover and story by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby
Battlefront #6 F (6.0)
War cover and stories, violent Al Hartley war cover, art by Romita and Sinnott
Battlefront #31 VF- (7.5)
War cover and stories, Russ Heath cover, Joe Sinnott file copy, signed by Sinnott
Battle Ground #10 F+ (6.5)
War cover and stories. Burgos cover, art by Mac Pakula, Forgione and others
Prize Comics #60 VG/F (5.0)
Frankenstein story by Dick Briefer, yank and doodle by Gil Kane
Mystery Tales #43 VG+ (4.5)
Classic grey tone cover by Bill Everett, features art by Robert Q Sale, Andru, Colan and Morisi
Amazing Spider-Man #30 VF (8.0)
1st appearance of the Cat, Spider-man cover and story by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #8 (Newsstand) VF+ (8.5)
1st origin and appearance of the Alien Symbiote costume which later becomes Venom! Spider-man cover and story
X-Men #36 NM- (9.2)
The X-Men vs Mekano cover and story by Roy Thomas and Ross Andru