Four Color #142 VF/NM (9.0)
Bugs Bunny and the Haunted Mountains cover and story
Four Color #165 F (6.0)
Very funny story where Lulu borrows her father's pipe, smokes doll hair, and begins hallucinating.
Four Color #386 CGC 6.5
Uncle Scrooge #1 by Carl Barks! Only a poor old man cover and story, Donald Duck cover and appears
Four Color #882 F (6.0)
Zorro cover and story, photo cover, Alex Toth art, 1st Disney issue
Four Color #914 No Time for Sergeants F+ (6.5)
Andy Griffith photo cover
Four Color #920 (Zorro #2) VG/F (5.0)
Zorro cover and story, photo cover, Alex Toth art
Four Color #920 VF+ (8.5)
Zorro cover and story, photo cover, Alex Toth art
Four Color #933 F+ (6.5)
Zorro cover and story, photo cover, Alex Toth art
Four Color #960 F- (5.5)
Zorro cover and story, photo cover, Alex Toth art
Four Color #976 (Zorro #5) VF+ (8.5)
Zorro cover and story, photo cover, Alex Toth art
Four Color #1003 (Overstreet File copy) (Zorro #5) VF (8.0)
Overstreet File copy Pedigree
Zorro by Alex Toth!
Four Color #1003 (Zorro #6) F+ (6.5)
Zorro cover and story, photo cover, Alex Toth art
Four Color #1037 F/VF (7.0)
Zorro cover and story, Annette Funicello photo cover, Alex Toth art
Four Color #1173 Twilight Zone #1 F (6.0)
Based on the tv series that many consider the greatest tv series of all time. Rod Serling photo cover
Four Color #1213 Mysterious Island VF (8.0)
Based on the Jules Verne novel and the TV movie
Four Color #1288 Twilight Zone F+ (6.5)
Based on the tv series that many consider the greatest tv series of all time. Rod Serling photo cover
Four Color #1300 "The Commancheros" F (6.0)
Based on the movie starring John Wayne, John Wayne photo cover