Action Comics #386 F/VF (7.0)
Superman and Legion of Super-Heroes stories
Action Comics #389 F/VF (7.0)
Superman cover and story, Mickey Mantle reference, baseball themed cover, Legion of Super-Heroes story, improvable
Action Comics #389 VF (8.0)
Superman cover and story, Mickey Mantle reference, baseball themed cover, Legion of Super-Heroes story
Action Comics #390 VF- (7.5)
Superman cover and story! Legion of Super-Heroes back up story!
Action Comics #391 VF (8.0)
Superman cover and story! Super Sons imaginary story, Legion of Super-Heroes back up story!
Action Comics #392 VF (8.0)
Superman, Batman & Super Sons cover and story! Legion of Super-Heroes back up story!
Action Comics #397 VF/NM (9.0)
Superman and Untold Tales of the Fortress stories
Action Comics #406 VF- (7.5)
Looks better, has 2 tiny chips on bc edge, smaller than the size of a pencil eraser.
Action Comics #406 F/VF (7.0)
Superman cover and story, Atom and Flash back up story
Action Comics #418 NM- (9.2)
Classic Superman cover! Very nice book. Light NCB wear. Likely improvable!
Action Comics #435 VF- (7.5)
Superman vs. Lois Lane cover and story, Atom back up story!