Out of This World #7 F+ (6.5)
Science Fiction and horror/mystery stories featuring cover and art by Steve Ditko!
Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1 (Canadian Edition) VG- (3.5)
1st appearance of the Sinister Six! Classic Spider-man vs. the Sinister Six cover and story by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko! Best pinups of any comic I've ever read! This is a Canadian edition with blank interior and back covers
Avengers #53 F+ (6.5)
Classic X-Men vs the Avengers cover and story, very nice book which presents better than the grade
Flash #324 (Newsstand) VF/NM (9.0)
Flash vs Reverse Flash cover and story! Death of the Reverse Flash (Professor Zoom) part 2 of 3 part trilogy
Wonder Comics #12 VG/F (5.0)
Great GGA cover by Ingels, headlights and bondage
Zoot Comics #13a VG+ (4.5)
Classic GGA cover and stories, 3 Matt Baker stories
Buccaneers #21 VF/NM (9.0)
Classic GGA cover, Reed Crandall art, pirate cover and stories
Sale PendingSuperman #317 VF/NM (9.0)
Classic Neal Adams Superman cover! Superman vs. Metallo cover and story, improvable
Justice League of America #56 NM- (9.2)
1st SA appearance of the GA Wonder Woman! Justice League vs. JSA cover and story
Sale PendingDetective Comics #247 VG/F (5.0)
Classic Batman and Robin cover and story, J'onn Jonzz the Martian Manhunter story
Joker #1 VF (8.0)
Joker cover and story, Two Face, Catwoman, Riddler, and the Penguin cover
Incredible Hulk #197 VF (8.0)
Hulk vs. Man-Thing cover and story! Classic Wrightson cover
Amazing Spider-Man #5 CGC 3.5
1st appearance of Dr. Doom outside Fantastic Four! Spider-man vs. Dr. Doom cover and story by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko!
Amazing Spider-Man #102 CGC 9.6
Spider-man vs Morbius the living vampire and the Lizard! Tough squarebound picture frame issue, very nice registration and centering (tough on this book)
Batman #234 CGC 9.6
1st Silver Age appearance of Two Face, Classic Neal Adams cover and art, Batman & Robin story
Batman #84 CGC 5.0
Classic Catwoman cover and story. Batman & Robin vs. Catwoman in the Sleeping Beauties of Gotham!
All Star Comics #36 CGC 3.0
Classic JSA with Superman & Batman cover, Gardner Fox story, art by Joe Kubert and others, Flash, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Hawkman and more appear. I believe this is one of only 2 appearances of Superman & Batman in All Star (along with cameo appearances in #7).
Avengers #56 CGC 9.4
Baron Zemo appears, story of how Captain America become encased in ice and how Bucky loses his arm, very undervalued issue in my opinion
Action Comics #252 CGC 5.0
1st appearance of Supergirl (Kara Zor-el) Superman's cousin, 1st appearance of Metallo, Superman & Supergirl cover and story
X-Men #50 CGC 9.2
1st Polaris cover appearance, Polaris & Magneto vs. the X-Men cover and story, Stan Lee and Jim Steranko story and art. Book has not been cleaned or pressed.
Sale PendingBatman #234 CGC 8.5
1st Silver Age Two-Face, Neal Adams cover and art, Batman cover and story, Robin backup story
Nick Fury Agent of SHIELD #4 (Bowling Green) CGC 9.0
Bowling Green Pedigree
Classic Jim Steranko cover, Nick Fury cover and story
Flash #129 CGC 9.0
2nd Golden Age Flash appearance in the SA, 1st SA appearance of the Justice Society of America, Flash vs. Captain Cold and the Trickster!