2001 A Space Odyssey #2 CGC 9.8
Highest Certified2001: A Space Odyssey cover and story by Jack Kirby. This book is from an original owner collection from the mountains of Arizona.
2001 A Space Odyssey #3 CGC 9.8
Highest Certified2001: A Space Odyssey cover and story by Jack Kirby. This book is from an original owner collection from the mountains of Arizona.
2001 A Space Odyssey #5 CGC 9.8
Highest Certified2001: A Space Odyssey cover and story by Jack Kirby. This book is from an original owner collection from the mountains of Arizona.
2001 A Space Odyssey #6 CGC 9.8
Highest Certified2001: A Space Odyssey cover and story by Jack Kirby. This book is from an original owner collection from the mountains of Arizona.
2001 A Space Odyssey #7 CGC 9.8
Highest Certified2001: A Space Odyssey cover and story by Jack Kirby. This book is from an original owner collection from the mountains of Arizona.
2001 A Space Odyssey #8 CGC 9.6
1st appearance of Machine Man. 2001: A Space Odyssey cover and story by Jack Kirby. This book is part of an original owner collection from the mountains of Northern Arizona. Almost every book in this collection exhibits exceptional color and gloss, and snow white pages!
2001 A Space Odyssey #9 CGC 9.6
2nd appearance of Machine Man. 2001: A Space Odyssey cover and story by Jack Kirby. This book is part of an original owner collection from the mountains of Northern Arizona. Almost every book in this collection exhibits exceptional color and gloss, and snow white pages!
2001 A Space Odyssey #10 CGC 9.8
Highest Certified2001: A Space Odyssey cover and story by Jack Kirby. This book is part of an original owner collection from the mountains of Northern Arizona. Almost every book in this collection exhibits exceptional color and gloss, and snow white pages!
Action Comics #87 CGC 8.0
Classic Superman cover with a safe dropping on his head, ! Superman, Vigilante, Zatara, and Congo Bill stories
Action Comics #242 CGC 5.5
1st appearance of Brainiac and the bottled city of Kandor! Superman vs. Brainiac cover and story, Very attractive copy for the grade with exception color and eye appeal!
Action Comics #252 CGC 5.0
1st appearance of Supergirl (Kara Zor-el) Superman's cousin, 1st appearance of Metallo, Superman & Supergirl cover and story
Sale PendingAdventure Comics #47 CGC 1.5
Classic Sandman cover and story by Craig Flessel, Gardner Fox and Jerry Siegel story, Bob Kane art, 1 page Spectre ad
Adventure Comics #51 CGC 6.5
Classic Sandman cover and story by Craig Flessel, Sandman story with art by Bernard Baily, Superman #5 ad, More Fun Dr. Fate ad
Adventure Comics #55 CGC 6.0
Classic Hourman cover and story by Bernard Baily, Sandman story by Flessell, Gardner Fox story
Adventure Comics #282 CGC 8.0
1st appearance of Star Boy, 5th appearance of the Legion of Super-heroes, Superboy & the Legion cover and story, exceptionally nice for the grade
Adventure Comics #307 CGC 8.5
1st appearance of Element Lad, Legion of Super-Heroes cover and story
Adventure Comics #313 CGC 8.0
Superboy and the Legion of Super-heroes cover and story
Adventure Comics #360 CGC 9.2
Superboy & the Legion of Super-Heroes cover and story! White pages
Adventure Comics #387 CGC 9.4
Supergirl vs Lex Luthor cover and story, White Pages
Adventure Comics #403 CGC 9.4
Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes cover and stories
Adventures on the Planet of the Apes #7 CGC 9.6
Planet of the Apes cover and story, art by Buckler
All Select Comics #9 CGC 3.5
Classic Schomburg cover, Al Bellman art, Captain America, Bucky, Human Torch and Toro cover and story, book has soiling (heavy on bc), some of which might clean off.
All Star Comics #9 CGC 4.0
Classic Justice Society cover and story, Superman and Batman appear